
date contents
2024/11/04-08 foundingGIDE BioImage Hackathon
2024/10/31-11/01 foundingGIDE community event 2024
2024/10/29-31 Exchange of Experience IX
2024/08/15 JST-NBDC事業推進部 データ解析講習会:AJACS「生物画像解析を知って・学んで・使う」
2024/06/26 RIKEN Symposia: Challenges in Bioimaging: beyond the scales and beyond the borders
2024/06/22 The 57th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Developmental Biologists Lancheon Seminar “SSBD:バイオイメージングデータのグローバルな共有”
2024/06/18-21 IUPAB2024 Hands-on Training Program A: Millions of single live cell analysis with the automated trans-scale-scope, AMATERAS
2023/11/20 BDR Seminar: Dr. Tadasu Nozaki (Harvard University, Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology)
2023/07/10 BDR Seminar: Dr. Matthew Hartley (EMBL-EBI, Wellcome Genome Campus, Hinxton, UK)
2023/07/03-07 ABiS-GBI 2023 course – Image data: image analysis, data management and reuse
2022/08/25 JST-NBDC事業推進部 統合データベース講習会:AJACSオンライン12「パスウェイ&画像データベースを知って・学んで・使う」
2021/11/21-22 バイオDXの最前線 – JST戦略的創造研究推進事業 CREST「データ駆動・AI駆動を中心としたデジタルトランスフォーメーションによる生命科学研究の革新[バイオDX]」キックオフシンポジウム
2021/03/22 RIKEN Symposia: RIKEN Hackathon Open Symposium
2020/02/17 RIKEN Symposia: RIKEN Hackathon Open Symposium
2020/01/15 BDR Seminar: Dr. Jean-Karim Hériché (Cell Biology and Biophysics Unit, EMBL)
2019/08/04-09 The 1st International Training Course for Singularity Biology
2019/01/16 BDR Seminar: Prof. John Isaac Murray (Department of Genetics Perelman, School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania)
2018/10/25 OMERO Open Workshop in Kobe 2018
2018/10/23 BDR Seminar: Prof. Jason Swedlow (School of Life Sciences, University of Dundee)
2018/04/12 BDR Seminar: Prof. Kwan-Liu Ma (University of California at Davis)
2018/01/29 QBiC-CDB Joint Seminar: Prof. Kazuhiro Maeshima (National Institute of Genetics)
2017/11/06 QBiC-CDB Joint Seminar: Prof. George Sugihara (Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UC San Diego)
2017/05/06 Big Data x Science 〜最先端研究の新潮流〜
2017/01/10 QBiC-CDB Joint Seminar: Prof. Kristin Gunsalus (Center for Genomics and Systems Biology, Department of Biology, New York University)
2016/02/29 QBiC Seminar: Prof. Alexander Bershadsky (Mechanobiology Institute, Singapore)
2016/02/29 QBiC Seminar: Prof. Fumio Motegi (Mechanobiology Institute, Singapore)
2015/10/23-28 資生堂主催「LINK OF LIFE さわる。ふれる。美の大実験室展」
2014/07/24 QBiC-CDB Joint Seminar: Dr. Akihiro Mori (Program in Systems Biology, University of Massachusetts Medical School)
2012/07/19 QBiC-CDB Joint Seminar: Prof. Zhirong Bao (Developmental Biology Program, Sloan-Kettering Institute)
2011/10/11 CDB Seminar: Dr. Kota Mizumoto (Department of Biology, Stanford University)