GBI_EoE 2024

Global BioImaging Exchange of Experience (EoE) workshops are a unique open forum for discussion and generation of new ideas, where imaging facility managers and technical staff, scientists, science policy officers and funders from around the globe, come together to build the interpersonal relations necessary for the success of the Global BioImaging network.

This year, EoE is coming to Okazaki, Japan. We are co-organizing #GBI_EoE2024 with ABiS and Global BioImaging. Save the data and see you in Okazaki.

Global BioImaging Exchange of Experience IX

  • DATES: 29th to 31st of October of 2024
  • LOCATION: Okazaki Conference Centre, Okazaki – Japan
  • TOPIC: Image Data Horizons – Global Strategies for Accessible Knowle

Travel Grant for Exchange of Experience IX

foundingGIDE – Laying the foundations of a Global Image Data Ecosystem

We are very excited to announce the launch of foundingGIDE project funded by Horizon Europe.

Led by Euro-BioImaging, the foundingGIDE project is a global consortium with 7 partners including our SSBD that aim to found of a Global Image Data Ecosystem (GIDE).

To find more about the foundingGIDE project, read “foundingGIDE – Laying the foundations of a Global Image Data Ecosystem“, published by Euro-BioImaging.

Follow us on social media to keep updated!

Logo of foundingGIDE

EU emblem and funding statement

foundingGIDE has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement number 101130216. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Research Council Executive Agency. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

New paper is out.

A paper by Drs Koji Kyoda and Shuichi Onami as co-authors has been published.


Moore, J., Basurto-Lozada, D., Besson, S. et al. OME-Zarr: a cloud-optimized bioimaging file format with international community support. Histochem Cell Biol (2023).

doi: 10.1007/s00418-023-02209-1

Summer internship

We welcomed Junbo Xia from Shanghai Jiao Tong University as an intern this summer.

He is working on a project, Development of deep learning program to identify cells from bioimaging data.

Good luck!