Dr Ko Sugawra has released QuPath extension for Segment Anything Model (SAM) v0.3.
Lean about more, please visit Ko’s annoucement on Image-sc, a scientific image community forum.
Laboratory for Developmental Dynamics, RIKEN BDR
Dr Ko Sugawra has released QuPath extension for Segment Anything Model (SAM) v0.3.
Lean about more, please visit Ko’s annoucement on Image-sc, a scientific image community forum.
An article featuring QTBD5Viewer and SSBD:database is published on NBDC blog.
Onami lab hosts the BDR Seminar by Dr. Matthew Hartley from EMBL-EBI, Wellcome Genome Campus, Hinxton, UK on July 10, 2023 in Kobe and Online.
Title: The BioImage Archive: Accelerating AI for bioimaging
The seminar is open for public with a registration. Please visit the BDR Seminar website to find more information.
A paper written by Drs Soya Shinkai and Shuichi Onami as co-authors has been published.
Hara, M., Ariyoshi, M., Sano, T., Nozawa, R., Shinkai, S., Onami, S., Jansen, I., Hirota, T., Fukagawa, T.: Centromere/kinetochore is assembled through CENP-C oligomerization. Mol. Cell 83. (2023).
Our SPDR, Dr Chentao Wen published a new paper on “Seg2Link” in Scientific Reports.
Nagoya City University, his former affiliation, issued a press release on his research: Seg2Link: an efficient and versatile solution for semi-automatic cell segmentation in 3D image
stacks (May 22, 2023. In Japanese Only.)
Wen, C., Matsumoto, M., Sawada, M. et al. Seg2Link: an efficient and versatile solution for semi-automatic cell segmentation in 3D image stacks. Sci Rep 13, 7109 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-023-34232-6
We are currently seeking a data curator as Technical Staff. Please visit job opportunities to get more details.
If you are interested, please contact Dr Onami.
We look forward to you joining our laboratory!
Tadasu Nozaki (Former Graduate Student at NIG)and Prof. Kazuhiro Maeshima (NIG) et. al. together with Drs Soya Shinkai and Shuichi Onami have found euchromatin forms condensed chromatin domains. This finding suggests an innovative model that condensed structure is the default state of chromatin.
Learn more about the study on Press Release from the National Institute of Genetics.
Nozaki, T., Shinkai, S., Ide, S., Higashi, K., Tamura, S., Shimazoe, M. A., Nakagawa, M., Suzuki, Y., Okada, Y., Sasai, M., Onami, S., Kurokawa, K., Iida, S., Maeshima, K. (2023). Condensed but liquid-like domain organization of active chromatin regions in living human cells. Sci. Adv. 9, eadf1488.
Excited to share our new paper @ScienceAdvances:https://t.co/0LVVQy2dbF
Dual-color imaging of two neighbor nucleosomes reveals that nucleosomes in euchromatin form condensed domains with ~150 nm diameter. Nucleosomes locally fluctuate in the condensed domain like a liquid. 1/ pic.twitter.com/4SLE0YLeXG— Kazuhiro Maeshima (@kazu_maeshima) April 5, 2023
Check out our new paper by Dr Yusuke Azuma et al., published in Frontiers in Bioinformatics.
Yusuke Azuma et al.’s new paper is out. We quantified 4D cell morphodynamics in >50 C. elegans embryos from the two-cell stage to mid-gastrulation using image processing and systematically analyzed the morphodynamics features in the single-cell resolution. https://t.co/UNXYiLj34Q
— Shuichi Onami (@sonamix) March 23, 2023
Onami Lab is going to join a BDR affiliated graduate school programs virtual open lab program on April 8.
This is a great opportunity to learn how your students life will be at RIKEN and you can expand your career as a scientist.
If you are interested in the event, please visit at the website for BDR joint graduate school laboratory tour (in Japanese only).
Dr Onami’s talk about the global sharing of bioimaging data at MBSJ2022 is now available for the public.
Check it up at multimedia.