Our TL Onami and DR Kaneshiro (Laboratory for Comprehensive Bioimaging, RIKEN BDR) et al. proposed a new pseudo confocal system that combines multiline scanning for light-sheet illumination combined and simple image construction. By further combining our method with multidirectional digital scanned laser light-sheet microscopy (mDSLM), we demonstrated improvement of image quality in biological samples.
Category: General
Texture-Based Screening to Identify Genes Involved in Reproductive Aging in C. elegans
Dr Momoko Imakubo et al.’s study on analysis of genes involved in reproductive aging in C. elegans oocytes by using an image database of RNAi embryos and image processing has been published online at https://doi.org/10.17706/ijbbb.2021.11.3.40-49.
Congratulations to our former student trainee Momoko Imakubo who earned her PhD from Kobe University in March 2021 on her achievement. We wish you all the best in your future endeavour!
[For Students] Join BDR Lecture Program.
Our TL is going to hold a talk session in the BDR Lecture Programs in August. Graduate students outside the joined graduate universities of BDR can join and have a chance to talk with PIs directly.
If you are interested in the program, register at the BDR website by June 12.
Details and lectures will be given in Japanese but English is available in the talk session.
— 理研BDR(生命機能科学研究センター) (@RIKEN_BDR) June 28, 2021
Call for Registration
RIKEN Hackathon Open Symposium will be held on February 20, 2020 in Kobe.
Registration is required to join the symposium.
For more information please visit here.
Seminar Information
Onami lab hosts the BDR Seminar by Dr. Jean-Karim Hériché from Cell Biology and Biophysics Unit, EMBL on January 15th, 2020 in Kobe.
Title: Microscopy-based quantitative cell biology
Click here to see more information.
New Job Opportunity
We are currently seeking a Research Scientist who will be involved in the “Open Life Science Platform” project.
To see the job description, please visit the following website:
- [DD1904] Seeking a Research Scientist [JPN] / [ENG(TBA)]
New Job Opportunities (Closed)
We are currently seeking a Research Scientist and a Technical Staff who will be involved in BDR Center Project “DECODE project(only available in Japanese)” .
For more information, please visit links below.
Research Scientist [JPN] / [ENG]Closed
Technical Staff [JPN]Closed
These positions have been closed. Thank you for applying.
*updated December 25, 2019.
New Job Opportunity (Closed)
We are currently seeking a Research Part-time Worker.
This is a short term position to cover maternity leave.
This position has been filled. Thank you.Renewal of our website
Our new website was opened.